Helvia Release 5.31.0

20 April 2023

1. Console Updates

1.1 'Send email' node

A new node called 'Send email' is now available in the flow editor, allowing you to configure an email to be sent to specified email address(es), when the node is triggered.

To add the 'Send email' node to your flow, select the node from the list and add it to your workflow.

You will need to fill out the below fields:

  • Email address: add the recipient email address; to add more recipients, use comma as a separator

  • Subject: configure the subject line of the email

  • Body: configure the body copy of the email

Fill out the required fields and click 'Done'. This will trigger an email to be sent to the specified email address once the node is triggered in the flow. The sender email will be chatbricks@helvia.io.

1.2 Webchat radius configuration

A new feature has been added that enables you to edit the chatbot widget border radius directly through the deployment page.

To edit the radius, go to the deployment's general settings and configure the widget radius with the slider and save.

The available range is from 0px (straight corners) to 32px (curved corners).

1.3 Dropdown selections in sessions/analytics

End-user selections from dropdown options will become available as user messages in chat sessions and analytics.

1.4 Redesigned pages & UI updates

A range of pages have enriched UI elements providing more intuitive UX.

1.4.1 UI changes in Chat Sessions page

The below changes are now available in the Chat Sessions page:

  • When expanding a chat session there is additional real estate to show the conversation

  • A column 'Contact Name' has been added

  • The width of the 'Created at' and 'Total messages' columns is now smaller

1.4.2 Redesign of Users page

The Users page has been redesigned to show organization roles and application roles separately. Also some of the columns have been rearranged and renamed.

When editing/adding a new user, there is now a new UX as shown below:

In the User Group section of the Edit user page you also have the option to add a user to multiple User Groups by selecting them in the drop down menu.

1.4.3 Users tab removed from bot pages

The Users tab has been removed from the bot pages. The Users page is now accessible only through the organization settings gear in the top right corner of the console.

1.4.4 Bot Session expiration setting displaying the unit (sec)

The bot session expiration setting in the bot Settings page now shows the unit (sec).

1.4.5 Surveys filtering

The Surveys in the Bot Records now have a single dropdown element to filter activities, which are grouped by type.

1.4.6 NLU Test Sets UX improvements

The NLU testing page has been improved for better UX.

  • The name, language description fields are included in a smaller area and there is more space to work on the actual test import

  • When choosing the expected intent, the intents are sorted alphabetically and also also provide the option to type and get suggestions

1.5 Microsoft Connectors integration

Microsoft Connectors are supported. For set up and any requirements please contact your Helvia Account Manager.

1.6 UI improvements on webchat Thumbs Feedback

The end-user should will be able to select a different reaction.

1.7 User language detection setting

A new setting is available in the deployment details, for enabling or disabling the user language detection.

1.8 Support uploading large files in the Media Library

Larger files are now supported in the Media Library

1.9 Emoji picker in webchat

The emoji picker is now available in the webchat input.

1.10 Session reset in any activity type

A check box to reset the session is now available for all activity types in the Intro node.

If the 'Restart session' checkbox is checked, this will mean that each time the intro node is triggered, a new session will start.

2. LiveChat Updates

2.1 Showing end-user phone number in LiveChat conversations

LiveChat agents will be able to see the end-user phone number in the user info, if this has been provided.

2.2 Defining the owner of a live-chat conversation

The owner of a live-chat conversation will be the LiveChat agent who accepts the live-chat request or the LiveChat agent to whom the conversation has been transferred to.

2.3 Transferring a live-chat conversation in public mode

LiveChat agents who are using the public mode of the LiveChat app, will be able to transfer a live-chat conversation to another agent or User Group.

Links that are included in the messages sent to an agent by an end-user during a live-chat conversation will now be clickable.

Last updated